lördag 8 februari 2014

Klok man med kloka tankar !

Terry Dickman en av mina inspiratörer när det gäller CrossFit på Masters nivå nu 56 år...ett citat om hur man kan tänka själv säger jag bara... I agree !
"Last year I started training in August 2012 with the goal of making the 2013 Games, CJ Martin (Invictus) did my programming and I trained 5 days a week spending an average of 90 -120 minutes at the gym each session. I probably only missed 2-3 days all year due to travel or not feeling well. My diet was on track, no drinking (or should say very little), taking recovery supplements, even took ProAnox for the last 2 months before the Games.

This year I decided to sit out, was burnt out from so much training last year (by myself) and just the stress of trying to make this .

So when they announce the Opens I tell Del I am sitting out, he gives me shit. So I changed my mind somewhat, figured what the hell… I will just follow my old program, try the Opens, thinking I might be able to crack top 200, but you never know. So now I am following the same program I did last year, working out with my buddies at Excel (all Masters), we have been having a great time, the fun of doing CF is back. Missing a workout does not bother me. I go home at night and occasionally have a good beer (always on rest days), maybe eat desert too. Haven't even worried about making it or not . Funny thing is… I don’t feel quite as fit as last year but my times on Metcons are better, much better, strength is about the same. Working out with a group really pushes me to go hard. Regardless of the outcome training this way is just better for me and I think there is something to be said for taking time off and not just a few days offs but weeks, not only does your body heal you can refocus mentally on things that are really important in your life."

Ha en skön helg !

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Kul att du vill lämna ett avtryck..ha det bäst...